The ministries of First Presbyterian Church belong to the people! Our leadership and staff are called to equip our congregation as together we join God in His work within and beyond our walls. Get to know the people called to serve our congregation with love and faithfulness.

Rev. Mike Manaugh
Greetings in the Lord! I am delighted you have visited our church website! It is my joy and honor to serve as Pastor of FPC Durant standing in the line of those pastors who have come before me. It is a humbling thing to remember the work I do is always bigger than myself, and that this congregation I have been called to serve was here before me and, God willing, will endure long after.
The real story of our church, however, is that of the many faithful people - past and present - who have sought and continue to seek to faithfully love and serve the Lord as He first loved us, and to share that love with the community where He planted us. They are what makes FPC Durant what it is! I would love for you to come meet us, and join in our life together!
Here is a little about me. I am a native Oklahoman. I grew up in Oklahoma City, and am a graduate of the University of Tulsa and Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. I was ordained a Presbyterian Minister of Word and Sacrament in 2007 and have had the honor of serving churches in Manchester, Iowa and Duncan, Oklahoma prior to coming here to Durant. I was called to FPC in June of 2017, and, God willing, look forward to many more great years ahead!
My joy in ministry is to share the journey of faith as together we learn to love, serve, and worship God through all the ups and downs along the way. I emphasize the word “together” because there is simply no other way to be the church. Together we worship, together we grow, together we pray and laugh and cry. What makes that togetherness so wonderful is that it is a foretaste, a glimpse right now of how things will be in God’s glorious eternity!
I am married to Lauren, who personifies the proverbial “better half.” She is a certified Occupational Therapist, and currently serves as a Vice President for a pediatric home health company located just across the Red River in Texas. Together we have two children, who are growing up far too fast.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, reading widely and learning new things, trying to stay fit (mostly so I can have an excuse for eating ice cream), working on projects around the house, and casting a fly rod at anything that swims.
If you’re interested in our congregation, or just want to talk, I hope you will get in touch! I’d love to get to know you!

Jill Wigington
Pianist and Interim Choir Director
I serve as our pianist, and currently wear the hat of interim choir director. I am a lifelong member of FPC, and am always ready to pitch in.
I am married to Rick and have two adult children, but I especially enjoy being "Mommos" to three grandsons.
Meet Our Session
The church's ruling board is called the Session. It is made up of those Ruling Elders who are in active service, as well as the Pastor. Three equally sized classes of Ruling Elders are elected by the congregation for a term of three years.
Class of
Care and Nurture:
Jimmie Schardein
Tim Webster
Class of
Christian Education:
Traci Thomas
Personnel and Stewardship:
Lori Watson
Class of
Building and Grounds:
Wes Lovell
Care and Nurture:
Brian Wickett
and Administration
Rev. Mike Manaugh
Clerk of Session and Treasurer: Jill Wigington
Responsibilities of the Session
The Session of First Presbyterian Church of Durant is responsible for:
Spiritual Oversight
Providing spiritual guidance and support to the congregation, ensuring for the ongoing spiritual growth and nurture of all members.
Administrative Decisions
Making important decisions regarding church policies, programs, and overall direction. The Session also sets the annual budget and ensures for the faithful stewardship of resources.
Mission and Vision
Ensuring that the church's mission and vision are carried out in fidelity to the Scriptures and in line with the principles of Presbyterian polity.
Community Engagement
Encouraging and facilitating the church’s involvement in the local community and beyond.
We are grateful for the dedication and leadership of our Session members. Their commitment helps our church remain faithful as together we fulfill our mission to glorify God in worship, nurture, and service. Please remember our Elders in your prayers!
Get Involved and Connect with Us
Our staff and Session are here to support and guide you on your faith journey. Whether you have questions, need assistance, or want to get involved, we encourage you to reach out and connect with us.